root / trunk / web / dojo / dojox / image / SlideShow.js
History | View | Annotate | Download (10.3 KB)
1 | 9 | andrej.cim | /*
2 | Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
3 | Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
4 | see: for details
5 | */
6 | |||
7 | |||
8 | if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.image.SlideShow"]){ |
9 | dojo._hasResource["dojox.image.SlideShow"]=true; |
10 | dojo.provide("dojox.image.SlideShow");
11 | dojo.require("dojo.string");
12 | dojo.require("dojo.fx");
13 | dojo.require("dijit._Widget");
14 | dojo.require("dijit._Templated");
15 | dojo.declare("dojox.image.SlideShow",[dijit._Widget,dijit._Templated],{imageHeight:375,imageWidth:500,title:"",titleTemplate:"${title} <span class=\"slideShowCounterText\">(${current} of ${total})</span>",noLink:false,loop:true,hasNav:true,images:[],pageSize:20,autoLoad:true,autoStart:false,fixedHeight:false,imageStore:null,linkAttr:"link",imageLargeAttr:"imageUrl",titleAttr:"title",slideshowInterval:3,templateString:dojo.cache("dojox.image","resources/SlideShow.html","<div dojoAttachPoint=\"outerNode\" class=\"slideShowWrapper\">\n\t<div style=\"position:relative;\" dojoAttachPoint=\"innerWrapper\">\n\t\t<div class=\"slideShowNav\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onclick: _handleClick\">\n\t\t\t<div class=\"dijitInline slideShowTitle\" dojoAttachPoint=\"titleNode\">${title}</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"navNode\" class=\"slideShowCtrl\" dojoAttachEvent=\"onclick: _handleClick\">\n\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"navPrev\" class=\"slideShowCtrlPrev\"></span>\n\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"navPlay\" class=\"slideShowCtrlPlay\"></span>\n\t\t\t<span dojoAttachPoint=\"navNext\" class=\"slideShowCtrlNext\"></span>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"largeNode\" class=\"slideShowImageWrapper\"></div>\t\t\n\t\t<div dojoAttachPoint=\"hiddenNode\" class=\"slideShowHidden\"></div>\n\t</div>\n</div>\n"),_imageCounter:0,_tmpImage:null,_request:null,postCreate:function(){ |
16 | this.inherited(arguments); |
17 | var _1=document.createElement("img"); |
18 | _1.setAttribute("width",this.imageWidth); |
19 | _1.setAttribute("height",this.imageHeight); |
20 | if(this.hasNav){ |
21 | dojo.connect(this.outerNode,"onmouseover",this,function(_2){ |
22 | try{
23 | this._showNav();
24 | } |
25 | catch(e){
26 | } |
27 | }); |
28 | dojo.connect(this.outerNode,"onmouseout",this,function(_3){ |
29 | try{
30 | this._hideNav(_3);
31 | } |
32 | catch(e){
33 | } |
34 | }); |
35 | } |
36 |"px"; |
37 | _1.setAttribute("src",this._blankGif); |
38 | var _4=this; |
39 | this.largeNode.appendChild(_1);
40 | this._tmpImage=this._currentImage=_1; |
41 | this._fitSize(true); |
42 | this._loadImage(0,dojo.hitch(this,"showImage",0)); |
43 | this._calcNavDimensions();
44 | },setDataStore:function(_5,_6,_7){ |
45 | this.reset();
46 | var _8=this; |
47 | this._request={query:{},start:_6.start||0,count:_6.count||this.pageSize,onBegin:function(_9,_a){ |
48 | _8.maxPhotos=_9; |
49 | }}; |
50 | if(_6.query){
51 | dojo.mixin(this._request.query,_6.query);
52 | } |
53 | if(_7){
54 | dojo.forEach(["imageLargeAttr","linkAttr","titleAttr"],function(_b){ |
55 | if(_7[_b]){
56 | this[_b]=_7[_b];
57 | } |
58 | },this);
59 | } |
60 | var _c=function(_d){ |
61 | _8.maxPhotos=_d.length; |
62 | _8._request.onComplete=null;
63 | if(_8.autoStart){
64 | _8.imageIndex=-1;
65 | _8.toggleSlideShow(); |
66 | }else{
67 | _8.showImage(0);
68 | } |
69 | }; |
70 | this.imageStore=_5;
71 | this._request.onComplete=_c;
72 | this._request.start=0; |
73 | this.imageStore.fetch(this._request); |
74 | },reset:function(){ |
75 | dojo.query("> *",this.largeNode).orphan(); |
76 | this.largeNode.appendChild(this._tmpImage); |
77 | dojo.query("> *",this.hiddenNode).orphan(); |
78 | dojo.forEach(this.images,function(_e){ |
79 | if(_e&&_e.parentNode){
80 | _e.parentNode.removeChild(_e); |
81 | } |
82 | }); |
83 | this.images=[];
84 | this.isInitialized=false; |
85 | this._imageCounter=0; |
86 | },isImageLoaded:function(_f){ |
87 | return this.images&&this.images.length>_f&&this.images[_f]; |
88 | },moveImageLoadingPointer:function(_10){ |
89 | this._imageCounter=_10;
90 | },destroy:function(){ |
91 | if(this._slideId){ |
92 | this._stop();
93 | } |
94 | this.inherited(arguments); |
95 | },showNextImage:function(_11,_12){ |
96 | if(_11&&this._timerCancelled){ |
97 | return false; |
98 | } |
99 | if(this.imageIndex+1>=this.maxPhotos){ |
100 | if(_11&&(this.loop||_12)){ |
101 | this.imageIndex=-1; |
102 | }else{
103 | if(this._slideId){ |
104 | this._stop();
105 | } |
106 | return false; |
107 | } |
108 | } |
109 | this.showImage(this.imageIndex+1,dojo.hitch(this,function(){ |
110 | if(_11){
111 | this._startTimer();
112 | } |
113 | })); |
114 | return true; |
115 | },toggleSlideShow:function(){ |
116 | if(this._slideId){ |
117 | this._stop();
118 | }else{
119 | dojo.toggleClass(this.domNode,"slideShowPaused"); |
120 | this._timerCancelled=false; |
121 | var idx=this.imageIndex; |
122 | if(idx<0||(this.images[idx]&&this.images[idx]._img.complete)){ |
123 | var _13=this.showNextImage(true,true); |
124 | if(!_13){
125 | this._stop();
126 | } |
127 | }else{
128 | var _14=dojo.subscribe(this.getShowTopicName(),dojo.hitch(this,function(_15){ |
129 | setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this,function(){ |
130 | if(_15.index==idx){
131 | var _16=this.showNextImage(true,true); |
132 | if(!_16){
133 | this._stop();
134 | } |
135 | dojo.unsubscribe(_14); |
136 | } |
137 | }),this.slideshowInterval*1000); |
138 | })); |
139 | dojo.publish(this.getShowTopicName(),[{index:idx,title:"",url:""}]); |
140 | } |
141 | } |
142 | },getShowTopicName:function(){ |
143 | return (this.widgetId||"/imageShow"; |
144 | },getLoadTopicName:function(){ |
145 | return (this.widgetId?"/imageLoad"; |
146 | },showImage:function(_17,_18){ |
147 | if(!_18&&this._slideId){ |
148 | this.toggleSlideShow();
149 | } |
150 | var _19=this; |
151 | var _1a=this.largeNode.getElementsByTagName("div"); |
152 | this.imageIndex=_17;
153 | var _1b=function(){ |
154 | if(_19.images[_17]){
155 | while(_19.largeNode.firstChild){
156 | _19.largeNode.removeChild(_19.largeNode.firstChild); |
157 | } |
158 |[_17],"opacity",0); |
159 | _19.largeNode.appendChild(_19.images[_17]); |
160 | _19._currentImage=_19.images[_17]._img; |
161 | _19._fitSize(); |
162 | var _1c=function(a,b,c){ |
163 | var img=_19.images[_17].firstChild;
164 | if(img.tagName.toLowerCase()!="img"){ |
165 | img=img.firstChild; |
166 | } |
167 | var _1d=img.getAttribute("title")||""; |
168 | if(_19._navShowing){
169 | _19._showNav(true);
170 | } |
171 | dojo.publish(_19.getShowTopicName(),[{index:_17,title:_1d,url:img.getAttribute("src")}]); |
172 | if(_18){
173 | _18(a,b,c); |
174 | } |
175 | _19._setTitle(_1d); |
176 | }; |
177 | dojo.fadeIn({node:_19.images[_17],duration:300,onEnd:_1c}).play(); |
178 | }else{
179 | _19._loadImage(_17,function(){
180 | _19.showImage(_17,_18); |
181 | }); |
182 | } |
183 | }; |
184 | if(_1a&&_1a.length>0){ |
185 | dojo.fadeOut({node:_1a[0],duration:300,onEnd:function(){ |
186 | _19.hiddenNode.appendChild(_1a[0]);
187 | _1b(); |
188 | }}).play(); |
189 | }else{
190 | _1b(); |
191 | } |
192 | },_fitSize:function(_1e){ |
193 | if(!this.fixedHeight||_1e){ |
194 | var _1f=(this._currentImage.height+(this.hasNav?20:0)); |
195 |,"height",_1f+"px"); |
196 | return;
197 | } |
198 |,"paddingTop",this._getTopPadding()+"px"); |
199 | },_getTopPadding:function(){ |
200 | if(!this.fixedHeight){ |
201 | return 0; |
202 | } |
203 | return (this.imageHeight-this._currentImage.height)/2; |
204 | },_loadNextImage:function(){ |
205 | if(!this.autoLoad){ |
206 | return;
207 | } |
208 | while(this.images.length>=this._imageCounter&&this.images[this._imageCounter]){ |
209 | this._imageCounter++;
210 | } |
211 | this._loadImage(this._imageCounter); |
212 | },_loadImage:function(_20,_21){ |
213 | if(this.images[_20]||!this._request){ |
214 | return;
215 | } |
216 | var _22=_20-(_20%(this._request.count||this.pageSize)); |
217 | this._request.start=_22;
218 | this._request.onComplete=function(_23){ |
219 | var _24=_20-_22;
220 | if(_23&&_23.length>_24){
221 | _25(_23[_24]); |
222 | }else{
223 | } |
224 | }; |
225 | var _26=this; |
226 | var _27=this.imageStore; |
227 | var _25=function(_28){ |
228 | var url=_26.imageStore.getValue(_28,_26.imageLargeAttr);
229 | var img=new Image(); |
230 | var div=dojo.create("div",{"_imageDiv"+_20}); |
231 | div._img=img; |
232 | var _29=_26.imageStore.getValue(_28,_26.linkAttr);
233 | if(!_29||_26.noLink){
234 | div.appendChild(img); |
235 | }else{
236 | var a=dojo.create("a",{"href":_29,"target":"_blank"},div); |
237 | a.appendChild(img); |
238 | } |
239 | dojo.connect(img,"onload",function(){ |
240 | if(_27!=_26.imageStore){
241 | return;
242 | } |
243 | _26._fitImage(img); |
244 | dojo.attr(div,{"width":_26.imageWidth,"height":_26.imageHeight}); |
245 | dojo.publish(_26.getLoadTopicName(),[_20]); |
246 | setTimeout(function(){
247 | _26._loadNextImage(); |
248 | },1);
249 | if(_21){
250 | _21(); |
251 | } |
252 | }); |
253 | _26.hiddenNode.appendChild(div); |
254 | var _2a=dojo.create("div",{className:"slideShowTitle"},div); |
255 | _26.images[_20]=div; |
256 | dojo.attr(img,"src",url);
257 | var _2b=_26.imageStore.getValue(_28,_26.titleAttr);
258 | if(_2b){
259 | dojo.attr(img,"title",_2b);
260 | } |
261 | }; |
262 | this.imageStore.fetch(this._request); |
263 | },_stop:function(){ |
264 | if(this._slideId){ |
265 | clearTimeout(this._slideId);
266 | } |
267 | this._slideId=null; |
268 | this._timerCancelled=true; |
269 | dojo.removeClass(this.domNode,"slideShowPaused"); |
270 | },_prev:function(){ |
271 | if(this.imageIndex<1){ |
272 | return;
273 | } |
274 | this.showImage(this.imageIndex-1); |
275 | },_next:function(){ |
276 | this.showNextImage();
277 | },_startTimer:function(){ |
278 | var; |
279 | this._slideId=setTimeout(function(){ |
280 | dijit.byId(id).showNextImage(true);
281 | },this.slideshowInterval*1000); |
282 | },_calcNavDimensions:function(){ |
283 |,"position","absolute"); |
284 |,"top","-10000px"); |
285 | dojo._setOpacity(this.navNode,99); |
286 | this.navPlay._size=dojo.marginBox(this.navPlay); |
287 | this.navPrev._size=dojo.marginBox(this.navPrev); |
288 | this.navNext._size=dojo.marginBox(this.navNext); |
289 | dojo._setOpacity(this.navNode,0); |
290 |,{"position":"",top:""}); |
291 | },_setTitle:function(_2c){ |
292 | this.titleNode.innerHTML=dojo.string.substitute(this.titleTemplate,{title:_2c,current:1+this.imageIndex,total:this.maxPhotos||""}); |
293 | },_fitImage:function(img){ |
294 | var _2d=img.width;
295 | var _2e=img.height;
296 | if(_2d>this.imageWidth){ |
297 | _2e=Math.floor(_2e*(this.imageWidth/_2d));
298 | img.height=_2e; |
299 | img.width=_2d=this.imageWidth;
300 | } |
301 | if(_2e>this.imageHeight){ |
302 | _2d=Math.floor(_2d*(this.imageHeight/_2e));
303 | img.height=this.imageHeight;
304 | img.width=_2d; |
305 | } |
306 | },_handleClick:function(e){ |
307 | switch({
308 | case this.navNext: |
309 | this._next();
310 | break;
311 | case this.navPrev: |
312 | this._prev();
313 | break;
314 | case this.navPlay: |
315 | this.toggleSlideShow();
316 | break;
317 | } |
318 | },_showNav:function(_2f){ |
319 | if(this._navShowing&&!_2f){ |
320 | return;
321 | } |
322 |,"marginTop","0px"); |
323 | var,"width")/2-this.navPlay._size.w/2-this.navPrev._size.w; |
324 |,"marginLeft",_30+"px"); |
325 | var _31=dojo.marginBox(this.outerNode); |
326 | var _32=this._currentImage.height-this.navPlay._size.h-10+this._getTopPadding(); |
327 | if(_32>this._currentImage.height){ |
328 | _32+=10;
329 | } |
330 | dojo[this.imageIndex<1?"addClass":"removeClass"](this.navPrev,"slideShowCtrlHide"); |
331 | dojo[this.imageIndex+1>=this.maxPhotos?"addClass":"removeClass"](this.navNext,"slideShowCtrlHide"); |
332 | var _33=this; |
333 | if(this._navAnim){ |
334 | this._navAnim.stop();
335 | } |
336 | if(this._navShowing){ |
337 | return;
338 | } |
339 | this._navAnim=dojo.fadeIn({node:this.navNode,duration:300,onEnd:function(){ |
340 | _33._navAnim=null;
341 | }}); |
342 |;
343 | this._navShowing=true; |
344 | },_hideNav:function(e){ |
345 | if(!e||!this._overElement(this.outerNode,e)){ |
346 | var _34=this; |
347 | if(this._navAnim){ |
348 | this._navAnim.stop();
349 | } |
350 | this._navAnim=dojo.fadeOut({node:this.navNode,duration:300,onEnd:function(){ |
351 | _34._navAnim=null;
352 | }}); |
353 |;
354 | this._navShowing=false; |
355 | } |
356 | },_overElement:function(_35,e){ |
357 | if(typeof (dojo)=="undefined"){ |
358 | return false; |
359 | } |
360 | _35=dojo.byId(_35); |
361 | var m={x:e.pageX,y:e.pageY}; |
362 | var bb=dojo._getBorderBox(_35);
363 | var _36=dojo.coords(_35,true); |
364 | var _37=_36.x;
365 | return (m.x>=_37&&m.x<=(_37+bb.w)&&m.y>=_36.y&&m.y<=(top+bb.h));
366 | }}); |
367 | } |