root / trunk / web / dojo / dojox / date / islamic / Date.js @ 10
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1 | 9 | andrej.cim | /*
2 | Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
3 | Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
4 | see: for details
5 | */
6 | |||
7 | |||
8 | if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ |
9 | dojo._hasResource[""]=true; |
10 | dojo.provide("");
11 | dojo.require("");
12 | dojo.requireLocalization("dojo.cldr","islamic",null,"ROOT,ar,he"); |
13 | dojo.declare("",null,{_date:0,_month:0,_year:0,_hours:0,_minutes:0,_seconds:0,_milliseconds:0,_day:0,_GREGORIAN_EPOCH:1721425.5,_ISLAMIC_EPOCH:1948439.5,constructor:function(){ |
14 | var _1=arguments.length; |
15 | if(!_1){
16 | this.fromGregorian(new Date()); |
17 | }else{
18 | if(_1==1){ |
19 | var _2=arguments[0]; |
20 | if(typeof _2=="number"){ |
21 | _2=new Date(_2);
22 | } |
23 | if(_2 instanceof Date){ |
24 | this.fromGregorian(_2);
25 | }else{
26 | if(_2==""){ |
27 | this._date=new Date(""); |
28 | }else{
29 | this._year=_2._year;
30 | this._month=_2._month;
31 | this._date=_2._date;
32 | this._hours=_2._hours;
33 | this._minutes=_2._minutes;
34 | this._seconds=_2._seconds;
35 | this._milliseconds=_2._milliseconds;
36 | } |
37 | } |
38 | }else{
39 | if(_1>=3){ |
40 | this._year+=arguments[0]; |
41 | this._month+=arguments[1]; |
42 | this._date+=arguments[2]; |
43 | this._hours+=arguments[3]||0; |
44 | this._minutes+=arguments[4]||0; |
45 | this._seconds+=arguments[5]||0; |
46 | this._milliseconds+=arguments[6]||0; |
47 | } |
48 | } |
49 | } |
50 | },getDate:function(){ |
51 | return this._date; |
52 | },getMonth:function(){ |
53 | return this._month; |
54 | },getFullYear:function(){ |
55 | return this._year; |
56 | },getDay:function(){ |
57 | return this.toGregorian().getDay(); |
58 | },getHours:function(){ |
59 | return this._hours; |
60 | },getMinutes:function(){ |
61 | return this._minutes; |
62 | },getSeconds:function(){ |
63 | return this._seconds; |
64 | },getMilliseconds:function(){ |
65 | return this._milliseconds; |
66 | },setDate:function(_3){ |
67 | _3=parseInt(_3); |
68 | if(_3>0&&_3<=this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month,this._year)){ |
69 | this._date=_3;
70 | }else{
71 | var _4;
72 | if(_3>0){ |
73 | for(_4=this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month,this._year);_3>_4;_3-=_4,_4=this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month,this._year)){ |
74 | this._month++;
75 | if(this._month>=12){ |
76 | this._year++;
77 | this._month-=12; |
78 | } |
79 | } |
80 | this._date=_3;
81 | }else{
82 | for(_4=this.getDaysInIslamicMonth((this._month-1)>=0?(this._month-1):11,((this._month-1)>=0)?this._year:this._year-1);_3<=0;_4=this.getDaysInIslamicMonth((this._month-1)>=0?(this._month-1):11,((this._month-1)>=0)?this._year:this._year-1)){ |
83 | this._month--;
84 | if(this._month<0){ |
85 | this._year--;
86 | this._month+=12; |
87 | } |
88 | _3+=_4; |
89 | } |
90 | this._date=_3;
91 | } |
92 | } |
93 | return this; |
94 | },setFullYear:function(_5){ |
95 | this._year=+_5;
96 | },setMonth:function(_6){ |
97 | this._year+=Math.floor(_6/12); |
98 | if(_6>0){ |
99 | this._month=Math.floor(_6%12); |
100 | }else{
101 | this._month=Math.floor(((_6%12)+12)%12); |
102 | } |
103 | },setHours:function(){ |
104 | var _7=arguments.length; |
105 | var _8=0; |
106 | if(_7>=1){ |
107 | _8=parseInt(arguments[0]); |
108 | } |
109 | if(_7>=2){ |
110 | this._minutes=parseInt(arguments[1]); |
111 | } |
112 | if(_7>=3){ |
113 | this._seconds=parseInt(arguments[2]); |
114 | } |
115 | if(_7==4){ |
116 | this._milliseconds=parseInt(arguments[3]); |
117 | } |
118 | while(_8>=24){ |
119 | this._date++;
120 | var _9=this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month,this._year); |
121 | if(this._date>_9){ |
122 | this._month++;
123 | if(this._month>=12){ |
124 | this._year++;
125 | this._month-=12; |
126 | } |
127 | this._date-=_9;
128 | } |
129 | _8-=24;
130 | } |
131 | this._hours=_8;
132 | },setMinutes:function(_a){ |
133 | while(_a>=60){ |
134 | this._hours++;
135 | if(this._hours>=24){ |
136 | this._date++;
137 | this._hours-=24; |
138 | var _b=this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month,this._year); |
139 | if(this._date>_b){ |
140 | this._month++;
141 | if(this._month>=12){ |
142 | this._year++;
143 | this._month-=12; |
144 | } |
145 | this._date-=_b;
146 | } |
147 | } |
148 | _a-=60;
149 | } |
150 | this._minutes=_a;
151 | },setSeconds:function(_c){ |
152 | while(_c>=60){ |
153 | this._minutes++;
154 | if(this._minutes>=60){ |
155 | this._hours++;
156 | this._minutes-=60; |
157 | if(this._hours>=24){ |
158 | this._date++;
159 | this._hours-=24; |
160 | var _d=this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month,this._year); |
161 | if(this._date>_d){ |
162 | this._month++;
163 | if(this._month>=12){ |
164 | this._year++;
165 | this._month-=12; |
166 | } |
167 | this._date-=_d;
168 | } |
169 | } |
170 | } |
171 | _c-=60;
172 | } |
173 | this._seconds=_c;
174 | },setMilliseconds:function(_e){ |
175 | while(_e>=1000){ |
176 | this.setSeconds++;
177 | if(this.setSeconds>=60){ |
178 | this._minutes++;
179 | this.setSeconds-=60; |
180 | if(this._minutes>=60){ |
181 | this._hours++;
182 | this._minutes-=60; |
183 | if(this._hours>=24){ |
184 | this._date++;
185 | this._hours-=24; |
186 | var _f=this.getDaysInIslamicMonth(this._month,this._year); |
187 | if(this._date>_f){ |
188 | this._month++;
189 | if(this._month>=12){ |
190 | this._year++;
191 | this._month-=12; |
192 | } |
193 | this._date-=_f;
194 | } |
195 | } |
196 | } |
197 | } |
198 | _e-=1000;
199 | } |
200 | this._milliseconds=_e;
201 | },toString:function(){ |
202 | var x=new Date(); |
203 | x.setHours(this._hours);
204 | x.setMinutes(this._minutes);
205 | x.setSeconds(this._seconds);
206 | x.setMilliseconds(this._milliseconds);
207 | return this._month+" "+this._date+" "+this._year+" "+x.toTimeString(); |
208 | },toGregorian:function(){ |
209 | var _10=this._year; |
210 | var _11=this._month; |
211 | var _12=this._date; |
212 | var _13=_12+Math.ceil(29.5*_11)+(_10-1)*354+Math.floor((3+(11*_10))/30)+this._ISLAMIC_EPOCH-1; |
213 | var wjd=Math.floor(_13-0.5)+0.5,_14=wjd-this._GREGORIAN_EPOCH,_15=Math.floor(_14/146097),dqc=this._mod(_14,146097),_16=Math.floor(dqc/36524),_17=this._mod(dqc,36524),_18=Math.floor(_17/1461),_19=this._mod(_17,1461),_1a=Math.floor(_19/365),_1b=(_15*400)+(_16*100)+(_18*4)+_1a; |
214 | if(!(_16==4||_1a==4)){ |
215 | _1b++; |
216 | } |
217 | var _1c=this._GREGORIAN_EPOCH+(365*(_1b-1))+Math.floor((_1b-1)/4)-(Math.floor((_1b-1)/100))+Math.floor((_1b-1)/400); |
218 | var _1d=wjd-_1c;
219 | var tjd=(this._GREGORIAN_EPOCH-1)+(365*(_1b-1))+Math.floor((_1b-1)/4)-(Math.floor((_1b-1)/100))+Math.floor((_1b-1)/400)+Math.floor((739/12)+(( Date(_1b,3,1))?-1:-2))+1); |
220 | var _1e=((wjd<tjd)?0:( Date(_1b,3,1))?1:2)); |
221 | var _1f=Math.floor((((_1d+_1e)*12)+373)/367); |
222 | var _20=(this._GREGORIAN_EPOCH-1)+(365*(_1b-1))+Math.floor((_1b-1)/4)-(Math.floor((_1b-1)/100))+Math.floor((_1b-1)/400)+Math.floor((((367*_1f)-362)/12)+((_1f<=2)?0:( Date(_1b,_1f,1))?-1:-2))+1); |
223 | var day=(wjd-_20)+1; |
224 | var _21=new Date(_1b,(_1f-1),day,this._hours,this._minutes,this._seconds,this._milliseconds); |
225 | return _21;
226 | },fromGregorian:function(_22){ |
227 | var _23=new Date(_22); |
228 | var _24=_23.getFullYear(),_25=_23.getMonth(),_26=_23.getDate();
229 | var _27=(this._GREGORIAN_EPOCH-1)+(365*(_24-1))+Math.floor((_24-1)/4)+(-Math.floor((_24-1)/100))+Math.floor((_24-1)/400)+Math.floor((((367*(_25+1))-362)/12)+(((_25+1)<=2)?0:(*(_23.getMinutes()+60*_23.getHours())+0.5)/86400); |
230 | _27=Math.floor(_27)+0.5;
231 | var _28=_27-this._ISLAMIC_EPOCH; |
232 | var _29=Math.floor((30*_28+10646)/10631); |
233 | var _2a=Math.ceil((_28-29-this._yearStart(_29))/29.5); |
234 | _2a=Math.min(_2a,11);
235 | var _2b=Math.ceil(_28-this._monthStart(_29,_2a))+1; |
236 | this._date=_2b;
237 | this._month=_2a;
238 | this._year=_29;
239 | this._hours=_23.getHours();
240 | this._minutes=_23.getMinutes();
241 | this._seconds=_23.getSeconds();
242 | this._milliseconds=_23.getMilliseconds();
243 | this._day=_23.getDay();
244 | return this; |
245 | },valueOf:function(){ |
246 | return this.toGregorian().valueOf(); |
247 | },_yearStart:function(_2c){ |
248 | return (_2c-1)*354+Math.floor((3+11*_2c)/30); |
249 | },_monthStart:function(_2d,_2e){ |
250 | return Math.ceil(29.5*_2e)+(_2d-1)*354+Math.floor((3+11*_2d)/30); |
251 | },_civilLeapYear:function(_2f){ |
252 | return (14+11*_2f)%30<11; |
253 | },getDaysInIslamicMonth:function(_30,_31){ |
254 | var _32=0; |
255 | _32=29+((_30+1)%2); |
256 | if(_30==11&&this._civilLeapYear(_31)){ |
257 | _32++; |
258 | } |
259 | return _32;
260 | },_mod:function(a,b){ |
261 | return a-(b*Math.floor(a/b));
262 | }}); |
263 |{ |
264 | return new,_33.getFullYear()); |
265 | }; |
266 | } |