root / trunk / web / dojo / dojox / date / php.js @ 10
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1 | 9 | andrej.cim | /*
2 | Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
3 | Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
4 | see: for details
5 | */
6 | |||
7 | |||
8 | if(!dojo._hasResource[""]){ |
9 | dojo._hasResource[""]=true; |
10 | dojo.provide("");
11 | dojo.require("");
12 | dojo.require("dojox.string.tokenize");
13 |,_2){ |
14 | var df=new; |
15 | return df.format(_1);
16 | }; |
17 |{ |
18 | if(!this.regex){ |
19 | var _4=[];
20 | for(var _5 in this.constructor.prototype){ |
21 | if(dojo.isString(_5)&&_5.length==1&&dojo.isFunction(this[_5])){ |
22 | _4.push(_5); |
23 | } |
24 | } |
25 | this.constructor.prototype.regex=new RegExp("(?:(\\\\.)|(["+_4.join("")+"]))","g"); |
26 | } |
27 | var _6=[];
28 | this.tokens=dojox.string.tokenize(_3,this.regex,function(_7,_8,i){ |
29 | if(_8){
30 | _6.push([i,_8]); |
31 | return _8;
32 | } |
33 | if(_7){
34 | return _7.charAt(1); |
35 | } |
36 | }); |
37 | this.replacements=_6;
38 | }; |
39 | dojo.extend(,{weekdays:["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"],weekdays_3:["Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat"],months:["January","February","March","April","May","June","July","August","September","October","November","December"],months_3:["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"],monthdays:[31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31],format:function(_9){ |
40 |;
41 | for(var i=0,_a;_a=this.replacements[i];i++){ |
42 | this.tokens[_a[0]]=this[_a[1]](); |
43 | } |
44 | return this.tokens.join(""); |
45 | },d:function(){ |
46 | var j=this.j(); |
47 | return (j.length==1)?"0"+j:j; |
48 | },D:function(){ |
49 | return this.weekdays_3[]; |
50 | },j:function(){ |
51 | return""; |
52 | },l:function(){ |
53 | return this.weekdays[]; |
54 | },N:function(){ |
55 | var w=this.w(); |
56 | return (!w)?7:w; |
57 | },S:function(){ |
58 | switch({ |
59 | case 11: |
60 | case 12: |
61 | case 13: |
62 | return "th"; |
63 | case 1: |
64 | case 21: |
65 | case 31: |
66 | return "st"; |
67 | case 2: |
68 | case 22: |
69 | return "nd"; |
70 | case 3: |
71 | case 23: |
72 | return "rd"; |
73 | default:
74 | return "th"; |
75 | } |
76 | },w:function(){ |
77 | return""; |
78 | },z:function(){ |
79 | var Date(,0,1).getTime(); |
80 | return Math.floor(_b/86400000)+""; |
81 | },W:function(){ |
82 | var _c;
83 | var _d=new Date(,0,1).getDay()+1; |
84 | var; |
85 | var z=parseInt(this.z()); |
86 | if(z<=(8-_d)&&_d>4){ |
87 | var _e=new Date(,,; |
88 | if(_d==5||(_d==6&&{ |
89 | _c=53;
90 | }else{
91 | _c=52;
92 | } |
93 | }else{
94 | var i;
95 | if(Boolean(this.L())){ |
96 | i=366;
97 | }else{
98 | i=365;
99 | } |
100 | if((i-z)<(4-w)){ |
101 | _c=1;
102 | }else{
103 | var j=z+(7-w)+(_d-1); |
104 | _c=Math.ceil(j/7);
105 | if(_d>4){ |
106 | --_c; |
107 | } |
108 | } |
109 | } |
110 | return _c;
111 | },F:function(){ |
112 | return this.months[]; |
113 | },m:function(){ |
114 | var n=this.n(); |
115 | return (n.length==1)?"0"+n:n; |
116 | },M:function(){ |
117 | return this.months_3[]; |
118 | },n:function(){ |
119 | return""; |
120 | },t:function(){ |
121 | return (Boolean(this.L())&&[this.getMonth()]; |
122 | },L:function(){ |
123 | return ("1":"0"; |
124 | },o:function(){ |
125 | },Y:function(){ |
126 | return""; |
127 | },y:function(){ |
128 | return this.Y().slice(-2); |
129 | },a:function(){ |
130 | return>=12?"pm":"am"; |
131 | },b:function(){ |
132 | return this.a().toUpperCase(); |
133 | },B:function(){ |
134 | var; |
135 | var _10=(*3600)+(*60)+this.getSeconds()+(_f*60); |
136 | var _11=Math.abs(Math.floor(_10/86.4)%1000)+""; |
137 | while(_11.length<2){ |
138 | _11="0"+_11;
139 | } |
140 | return _11;
141 | },g:function(){ |
142 | return (>12)?""""; |
143 | },G:function(){ |
144 | return""; |
145 | },h:function(){ |
146 | var g=this.g(); |
147 | return (g.length==1)?"0"+g:g; |
148 | },H:function(){ |
149 | var G=this.G(); |
150 | return (G.length==1)?"0"+G:G; |
151 | },i:function(){ |
152 | var""; |
153 | return (_12.length==1)?"0"+_12:_12; |
154 | },s:function(){ |
155 | var""; |
156 | return (_13.length==1)?"0"+_13:_13; |
157 | },e:function(){ |
158 | return; |
159 | },I:function(){ |
160 | },O:function(){ |
161 | var off=Math.abs(; |
162 | var _14=Math.floor(off/60)+""; |
163 | var _15=(off%60)+""; |
164 | if(_14.length==1){ |
165 | _14="0"+_14;
166 | } |
167 | if(_15.length==1){ |
168 | _14="0"+_15;
169 | } |
170 | return ((<0)?"+":"-")+_14+_15; |
171 | },P:function(){ |
172 | var O=this.O(); |
173 | return O.substring(0,2)+":"+O.substring(2,4); |
174 | },T:function(){ |
175 | return this.e().substring(0,3); |
176 | },Z:function(){ |
177 | return*-60; |
178 | },c:function(){ |
179 | return this.Y()+"-"+this.m()+"-"+this.d()+"T"+this.h()+":"+this.i()+":"+this.s()+this.P(); |
180 | },r:function(){ |
181 | return this.D()+", "+this.d()+" "+this.M()+" "+this.Y()+" "+this.H()+":"+this.i()+":"+this.s()+" "+this.O(); |
182 | },U:function(){ |
183 | return Math.floor(; |
184 | }}); |
185 | } |