root / trunk / web / dojo / dojox / widget / Roller.js @ 10
History | View | Annotate | Download (2.33 KB)
1 | 9 | andrej.cim | /*
2 | Copyright (c) 2004-2010, The Dojo Foundation All Rights Reserved.
3 | Available via Academic Free License >= 2.1 OR the modified BSD license.
4 | see: for details
5 | */
6 | |||
7 | |||
8 | if(!dojo._hasResource["dojox.widget.Roller"]){ |
9 | dojo._hasResource["dojox.widget.Roller"]=true; |
10 | dojo.provide("dojox.widget.Roller");
11 | dojo.require("dijit._Widget");
12 | dojo.declare("dojox.widget.Roller",dijit._Widget,{delay:2000,autoStart:true,itemSelector:"> li",durationIn:400,durationOut:275,_idx:-1,postCreate:function(){ |
13 | if(!this["items"]){ |
14 | this.items=[];
15 | } |
16 | dojo.addClass(this.domNode,"dojoxRoller"); |
17 | dojo.query(this.itemSelector,this.domNode).forEach(function(_1,i){ |
18 | this.items.push(_1.innerHTML);
19 | if(i==0){ |
20 | this._roller=_1;
21 | this._idx=0; |
22 | }else{
23 | dojo.destroy(_1); |
24 | } |
25 | },this);
26 | if(!this._roller){ |
27 | this._roller=dojo.create("li",null,this.domNode); |
28 | } |
29 | this.makeAnims();
30 | if(this.autoStart){ |
31 | this.start();
32 | } |
33 | },makeAnims:function(){ |
34 | var n=this.domNode; |
35 | dojo.mixin(this,{_anim:{"in":dojo.fadeIn({node:n,duration:this.durationIn}),"out":dojo.fadeOut({node:n,duration:this.durationOut})}}); |
36 | this._setupConnects();
37 | },_setupConnects:function(){ |
38 | var _2=this._anim; |
39 | this.connect(_2["out"],"onEnd",function(){ |
40 | this._set(this._idx+1); |
41 | _2["in"].play(15); |
42 | }); |
43 | this.connect(_2["in"],"onEnd",function(){ |
44 | this._timeout=setTimeout(dojo.hitch(this,"_run"),this.delay); |
45 | }); |
46 | },start:function(){ |
47 | if(!this.rolling){ |
48 | this.rolling=true; |
49 | this._run();
50 | } |
51 | },_run:function(){ |
52 | this._anim["out"].gotoPercent(0,true); |
53 | },stop:function(){ |
54 | this.rolling=false; |
55 | var m=this._anim,t=this._timeout; |
56 | if(t){
57 | clearTimeout(t); |
58 | } |
59 | m["in"].stop();
60 | m["out"].stop();
61 | },_set:function(i){ |
62 | var l=this.items.length-1; |
63 | if(i<0){ |
64 | i=l; |
65 | } |
66 | if(i>l){
67 | i=0;
68 | } |
69 | this._roller.innerHTML=this.items[i]||"error!"; |
70 | this._idx=i;
71 | }}); |
72 | dojo.declare("dojox.widget.RollerSlide",dojox.widget.Roller,{durationOut:175,makeAnims:function(){ |
73 | var n=this.domNode,_3="position",_4={top:{end:0,start:25},opacity:1}; |
74 |,_3,"relative");
75 |,_3,"absolute"); |
76 | dojo.mixin(this,{_anim:{"in":dojo.animateProperty({node:n,duration:this.durationIn,properties:_4}),"out":dojo.fadeOut({node:n,duration:this.durationOut})}}); |
77 | this._setupConnects();
78 | }}); |
79 | dojo.declare("dojox.widget._RollerHover",null,{postCreate:function(){ |
80 | this.inherited(arguments); |
81 | this.connect(this.domNode,"onmouseenter","stop"); |
82 | this.connect(this.domNode,"onmouseleave","start"); |
83 | }}); |
84 | } |