root / trunk / web / js / main2.js @ 12
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1 | 9 | andrej.cim | window.addEvent('domready', function(){ |
2 | // NOTE: This is an example showing simple state management. During development,
3 | // it is generally best to disable state management as dynamically-generated ids
4 | // can change across page loads, leading to unpredictable results. The developer
5 | // should ensure that stable state ids are set for stateful components in real apps.
6 | Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider());
7 | |||
8 | // create the Data Store
9 | var store = new{ |
10 | proxy: new{ |
11 | url: 'log.json' |
12 | }), |
13 | totalProperty:'total', |
14 | idProperty: 'id', |
15 | root: 'rows', |
16 | fields:[
17 | {name:'date', type:'date', dateFormat:'M d, Y h:i:s A'}, |
18 | {name:'type'}, |
19 | {name:'message'} |
20 | ] |
21 | }); |
22 | |||
23 | // create the Grid
24 | var grid = new Ext.grid.GridPanel({ |
25 | title: 'Log', |
26 | store: store,
27 | loadMask: true, |
28 | columns: [
29 | {id:'date',header: 'Date', width: 100, renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('Y-m-d H:i'), dataIndex: 'date'}, |
30 | {id:'type',header: 'Type', width: 100, dataIndex: 'type'}, |
31 | {id:'message',header: 'Message', dataIndex: 'message'} |
32 | ], |
33 | stripeRows: true, |
34 | autoExpandColumn: 'message', |
35 | height: 350, |
36 | //width: 'auto',
37 | stateful: true, |
38 | stateId: 'grid', |
39 | |||
40 | // paging bar on the bottom©
41 | bbar: new Ext.PagingToolbar({ |
42 | pageSize: 15, |
43 | store: store,
44 | displayInfo: true, |
45 | displayMsg: 'Displaying {0} - {1} of {2}', |
46 | emptyMsg: "No messages to display" |
47 | }) |
48 | }); |
49 | store.load(); |
50 | |||
51 | var tabs = new Ext.TabPanel({ |
52 | renderTo: 'tabs1', |
53 | width:'auto', |
54 | activeTab: 0, |
55 | frame:true, |
56 | defaults:{autoHeight: true}, |
57 | boxMaxHeight: 400, |
58 | items:[
59 | {autoLoad:{url: 'info.jsp', scripts:true }, title: 'Info'}, |
60 | {autoLoad:{url: 'status.jsp', scripts:true }, title: 'Status'}, |
61 | grid |
62 | ] |
63 | }); |
64 | }); |